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  • lemonhill3

Commercial Art

This ain't no easy subject!

One writer commented that fine art was solely for aesthetic and intellectual purposes whereas commercial art was solely for selling a product or service. Another comment was that while commercial art had to work within the boundaries of a brief, fine art existed for its own sake. Or still another comment was that commercial art utilizes acquired skill whereas fine art requires inborn talent.

The waters get a little muddied when we put a value on fine art and people make a living from it.

Certainly everyone agrees that Andy Worhol's pop art blurred the lines for ever with his 32 Campbell's Soup Cans individually painted and hand stamped 32 times: and the screen printing of Marilyn Monroe's portrait over 50 times. He sometimes refused to explain his work, saying that all one needs to know was "already there on the surface" .... a far cry from the deep and meaningful analysis of fine art by critics and by the gate keepers of the fine art world.

My photos this week are of place mats. "Chooks" and "Sugar Gliders". I guess they are commercial art. I like them every day. I do not tire of them. And I like not having to think about them; not having to puzzle out a meaning.

I can also dissecting, admire and criticize the pencil or brush strokes and the subject placement and background, as with all art.

Long live the world of commercial art! Therein lies much that is beautiful and satisfying.

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